20/12/2011 -
Rogante Engineering Office has been inserted in the “Product & Service” Directory-2012 of the Nuclear Plant Journal. / Lo Studio d’Ingegneria Rogante è stato inserito nella Directory 2012 “Product & Service” del Nuclear Plant Journal.
13/12/2011 -
Dr. Eng. Massimo Rogante attended, as invited speaker, the Workshop on Recent developments in the world of engineering materials, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, 13-14 December 2011. Presentation of Ing. Rogante, entitled: “Support of industrial companies in Italy by engineering knowledge management”. / L’Ing. Massimo Rogante ha partecipato, come Relatore su invito, al Workshop sui recenti sviluppi nel settore dei materiali ingegneristici, Smolenice, Slovacchia, 13-14 Dicembre 2011. Presentazione dell'Ing. Rogante dal titolo: “Support of industrial companies in Italy by engineering knowledge management”.
05/12/2011 -
Dr. Eng. Massimo Rogante attended, as speaker invited by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, the workshop "REACH Contribution to Emerging Technologies", Borschette Centre, Brussels, 5th December 2011, presenting the Company case. The workshop aimed to identify the priority areas for better fostering development, commercialisation and speeded uptake of emerging technologies in the chemicals sector. / L’Ing. Massimo Rogante ha partecipato, come Relatore invitato dalla Comunità Europea, Direzione Generale “Enterprise and Industry”, al Workshop "REACH Contribution to Emerging Technologies", Centro Borschette, Bruxelles, 5 Dicembre 2011, presentando le attività dello Studio d’Ingegneria Rogante.
04/11/2011 -
Participation of Eng. Massimo Rogante, as Italian Member, to the 19th Meeting of the International Scientific Advisory Council of the Budapest Neutron Centre, 4-5 November 2011. Presentation of Ing. Rogante, entitled: "Neutron Techniques for materials study in Engineering and Archaeology". / Partecipazione dell'Ing. Massimo Rogante, in qualità di Componente Italiano, al 19° Meeting dell’International Scientific Advisory Council del Centro Neutronico di Budapest, 4-5 Novembre 2011. Presentazione dell'Ing. Rogante dal titolo: "Neutron Techniques for materials study in Engineering and Archaeology".
26/10/2011 -
Dr. Eng. Massimo Rogante has been appointed as Member of the Editorial Board of the World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. / Nomina del Dr. Ing. Massimo Rogante quale Componente del Pannello Editoriale della rivista scientifica internazionale World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology.
29/09/2011 -
Rogante Engineering Office has coorganized the 2nd International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2011, Split, Croatia, 29-30 September 2011. Presentations of Ing. Massimo Rogante - Italian Member of the Scientific Committee -, entitled: "Cements for nuclear industry: a feasibility study of neutron-based investigations" and "Feasibility study of a novel device for separate collection and treatment of solid urban waste". / Lo Studio d'Ingegneria Rogante ha coorganizzato la 2a Conferenza Internazionale “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2011, Spalato, Croazia, 29-30 Settembre 2011. Presentazioni dell''Ing. Massimo Rogante - membro del Comitato Scientifico della Conferenza - dal titolo: "Cements for nuclear industry: a feasibility study of neutron-based investigations" e "Feasibility study of a novel device for separate collection and treatment of solid urban waste".
23/09/2011 -
Dr. Eng. Massimo Rogante has received by Y.E. Sergei V. Ivanets, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a letter of gratitude for his expert activity carried out for the same Ministry and consisting in the assessment of project proposals in the nuclear field. / L'Ing. Massimo Rogante ha ricevuto da S.E. Sergei V. Ivanets, Ministro Deputato per l’Istruzione e la Scienza della Federazione Russa, una lettera di gratitudine per la sua attività d’esperto svolta per conto dello stesso Ministero e consistente nella valutazione di proposal di progetti in ambito nucleare.
08/09/2011 -
Dr. Eng. Massimo Rogante, coordinator of the ESS Italy Working Group 13 "Industry and Industrial Applications", attended the IKON-1, First In-Kind Contributions Meeting for Neutron Science for the ESS, Akademiska föreningen, Lund, Sweden. Dr. Rogante, by invitation, gave the following presentations: “Consultations for the ESS decommissioning issues” and “Coordination of Italian Industry and industrial applications”. / L'Ing. Massimo Rogante, coordinatore del Working Group 13 "Industry and Industrial Applications", ha partecipato ad IKON-1, Primo Meeting sui Contributi In-Kind per il Progetto ESS (Sorgente Europea a Spallazione), Akademiska föreningen, Lund, Svezia. Il Dr. Rogante, su invito, ha effettuato le seguenti presentazioni: “Consultations for the ESS decommissioning issues” e “Coordination of Italian Industry and industrial applications”.
21/07/2011 -
Dr. Eng. Massimo Rogante attended, by invitation, the Seminary “Fukushima nuclear incident: scientific evidences related to causes and environmental contamination”, organized by Associazione Culturale Solidarietà e Sviluppo, Camera dei Deputati, Marini Palace, Rome, 21st July 2011. / L'Ing. Massimo Rogante ha partecipato, su invito, al Seminario "Incidente nucleare di Fukushima: evidenze scientifiche in tema di cause e contaminazione ambientale", organizzato dall'Associazione Culturale Solidarietà e Sviluppo, Camera dei Deputati, Palazzo Marini, Roma, 21 Luglio 2011.
07/07/2011 -
Dr. Eng. Massimo Rogante has participated, as teacher, to the Course “Professional Training in Neutron Research and Instrumentation” - organized by the Budapest Research Reactor for the Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry of Mianyang (China) -, Budapest, 07-08 July 2011. Presentations of Ing. Rogante: “Industrial applications of neutrons” and “Neutron strain analysis of forged components”. / L’Ing. Massimo Rogante ha partecipato, in qualità di docente, al Corso “Professional Training in Neutron Research and Instrumentation” - organizzato dal Reattore di Budapest per l’Istituto di Fisica e Chimica Nucleare di Mianyang (Cina) -, Budapest, 07-08 Luglio 2011. Presentazioni dell’Ing. Rogante: “Industrial applications of neutrons” e “Neutron strain analysis of forged components”.